Woman wearing face mask

Heroes Will Emerge

In the face of crisis, there are really two options: back down and let the circumstances dictate your future, or stand up and be part of the solution. So here we are, in the middle of a global pandemic. With both options on the table, which will you choose?
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Bells over Mountains

The Road to Joy

This is my second quarantine. The first time I isolated myself from the rest of the world, only two other people participated. It was March of 1998. The world I had known, the career I had planned, the life I had expected to live had just crumbled.
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Charlie Davis

Meeting The Challenge Head-On

“Rather, in humility value others above yourself.” – Philippians 2:3 Maybe it is a function of a new year and establishing some personal resolutions, but I have been taking stock of how I have been working and trying to make adjustments based on the ever-changing circumstances. Making adjustments, especially in this climate, is absolutely critical if we are going to be successful.
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