YMCA Community Cafe Laughing

What is a Healthy Aging Community Café?

There will be a brief (15-25 min) topical introduction with ideas to frame the discussion and consider things in new ways. This will be followed by small group facilitated discussions, giving you the opportunity to share experiences and perspectives or simply listen to your peers as you feel comfortable. You have access to the presentations and relevant resource following each weeks topic.

The goal is to build spirit, mind, and body health such that all may thrive with greater purpose, connection, and well-being.

All Community Cafés are held on Tuesdays from 1 – 2pm. They are FREE and hosted on Zoom. If you are new to Zoom and would like some assistance getting started, please contact Kara Latta (see below).

Register For Upcoming Cafés

April Fool's Day Facts and Fun!

What’s the origin of April Fool’s Day, and what are some of the most clever pranks played on this day throughout history? Join us to find out the answers. We'll also be engaging in a bit of foolery by answering some funny curious questions. Be prepared for a good time and lots of laughter!

Register To Attend the Zoom Meeting on April 1 From 1–2pm.

Decluttering to Downsize (Parts 1 and 2)

Downsizing your home is a MAJOR life change that’s emotionally and physically demanding. This thoughtful two-part series suggests six practical steps that help remove some of the overwhelm. Having a plan in place, knowing some of the best local declutter resources, along with the right support will help you move forward in this process as smoothly as possible.

Register To Attend the Zoom Meeting on April 8 From 1–2pm.

Decluttering to Downsize (Parts 3 and 4)

In this Café, we’ll do a deeper dive into decluttering by addressing memorabilia and sentimental items. Since this can often be a difficult process, we’ll learn how to ease the emotional burden of letting go of these special items while honoring their significance and memoires.

Register To Attend the Zoom Meeting on April 15 From 1–2pm.

Recognizing and Celebrating Earth Day

The Paddle-Pilgrim is back! In this captivating video, adventurer and award-winning documentarian Dave Ellingson chronicles his kayaking journey on the “headwaters” of the Mississippi River. Learn what the river teaches about the environment, native peoples, history, geology, economics, and spirituality, and the urgency of a renewed stewardship of the “Father of Waters” and “Mother Earth.” A must see!

Register To Attend the Zoom Meeting on April 22 From 1–2pm.

Strengthen and Stretch at Home

Balance, strength, and flexibility come together in this gentle workout you can do at home with simply a sturdy chair for support. Our old friend Heather Steele makes a guest appearance to help us with this workout.  We’ll fit in some balance work and stretching to round out our time together.

Register To Attend the Zoom Meeting on April 29 From 1–2pm.

Meet Our Connection Staff

member photo

Kara Latta

Health and Wellbeing Coach
member photo

Janele Nelson

Association Mission Director