“In humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself.” – Philippians 2:3-4
During last Friday’s “Staying Connected” call, Shannon Costanti [Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer] shared our new employee performance evaluation tool. Without a doubt, 2020 was a difficult year for our Y, and though the performance metrics we have used in the past do not apply, it is critical we reflect on what we did accomplish as an organization. It was an extraordinary year, and it is important to acknowledge the contributions you made to lift up this Y. As Shannon shared, we will use a tool that will highlight your effort in the following categories – resiliency, flexibility, innovation, and teamwork.
I wanted to share my own reflections in my look back on 2020:
RESILIENCE: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Facing a crisis with so much uncertainty and fear, both professionally and personally, our Y consistently found a way to persevere. We were forced to redefine our way of work and do so in the middle of a storm. I have seen so many examples of resilience from every sector of our association; here are just a few:
- Amy Rogala [former YMCA Camp Seymour Food Program Specialist] and the kitchen team used the tools they had to shift from serving thousands of campers to serving thousands of vulnerable seniors, preparing and delivering thousands of meals throughout this crisis
- The YMCA Child Care team was asked to serve families of essential workers so critical services could be delivered to our communities; they never missed one day of service
- Before our world turned upside down, Bruce Caudill [Vice President and Chief Information Officer] and his team had already begun the massive effort of transitioning our association to a new membership software; when the crisis hit, we made the decision to stay the course, even with a reduced workforce and in an entirely remote environment
We were faced with the most daunting of circumstances (and as if the pandemic was not enough, we faced a snowstorm and a windstorm curtailing our ability to operate), and yet we never faltered once due to our toughness and ability to adapt. For many of you, you faced furlough and spent many months wondering if you would even have a job with the Y once again. I cannot imagine a more resilient group of people than you. This has been the most humbling and inspiring experience of my life.
Score: A+
FLEXIBILITY: The quality of bending easily without breaking; willingness to change or compromise.
Clearly, the world changed overnight and every one of you was asked to change with it. For many of you, your job changed or your location changed, and for some (or perhaps many) of you, that change was dramatic. You were asked to adapt to a new communications platform (Microsoft Teams). You were asked to deliver programs and services online using a mobile device. You were asked to deliver services outside under tents without walls. And you were asked to do it all without the luxury of time to plan. Essentially, you were asked to adapt to whatever came your way; you met each challenge enthusiastically and always delivered to the best of your ability. Working for the Y now required adapting to safety protocols and wearing a mask. You all demonstrated an incredible willingness and ability to flex with each challenge we faced.
Score: A+
INNOVATION: The process of making changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
Our primary delivery mechanism was taken from us and we were faced with the stark reality that if we did not find another way to deliver services, we could face irrelevancy. Every for-profit company immediately jumped into the virtual world. We followed suit and what we soon discovered was that the Y brand is strong, very strong. Our members missed being in the Y and wanted to engage with our staff and our services. Care calls turned into the Community Cafe, and Camp Seymour staff created a very viable option for members to be with their families in the safety of the outdoors. Camp also transformed their dining hall into a distance learning center to meet a critical need for families on the Key Peninsula, who were unable to engage in the remote education system. Amber Evans-Wynn [Senior Program Director, YMCA Center for Community Impact] and the CCI team created Y on the Fly to continue serving the community with critical services. Tara Harkness [Executive Director, YMCA Child Care], Ashley Perkins [Senior Early Learning Center Director], Toko Thompson [Vice President and Chief Financial Officer], Loren Johnson [Association Property Development and Facility Management Director], and Ed Bressette [Association Facilities Director] seized an opportunity to enter into an agreement to lease an early learning center. The move to enter into this new arena for our operation was a significant move for our association, potentially creating new revenue streams for our organization. Our ability to create new ways to connect with our members has been extraordinary. Your willingness to try new things literally kept our Y alive.
Score: A+
TEAMWORK: The collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal; a situation where each member of the group has a part, and where personal goals become subordinate to those of the greater group.
Early on in the crisis, we established the rally cry, “One Y.” We knew from the outset that the only way for us to survive and rebuild our Y was to commit wholeheartedly to putting the goals of the team first and foremost. It was a commitment of the highest order, requiring personal sacrifices and surrender to the self. This commitment has lifted our Y to a level where we have never before been. You set up tents and moved equipment in a matter of days so we could adapt to the new guidelines. With severely restricted budgets, you shared the load of responsibilities so we could continue serving members and the greater community. You have exemplified the highest degree of unselfishness throughout, always doing what was best for the team.
Score: A+
What we have been able to accomplish this past year is truly remarkable. I get emotional when I reflect on the sacrifices you have made, the commitment you bring every day to your work, and you consistently putting your individual needs and desires second to those of your teammates and the Y. It has been a grueling period and you have been challenged to operate under very difficult conditions, but you have risen to that challenge day in and day out. You demonstrated great resolve and, as a result, we are slowly rebuilding our Y. You are heroes. Thank you.
#StayStrong #StayWithUs