YMCA Youth Soccer In Front Of Net

Find Activities for Your Child this Spring

Our kids are spending countless hours in front of screens and are lacking much-needed physical activity and social engagement. As spring approaches, parents are seeking opportunities to get kids active and outdoors in a healthy and safe environment. 
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Wendys YMCA Weight Loss Story

Wendy’s Successful Weight Loss Story

Finding the right time to start on the path to weight loss can be more difficult than it would seem. The pressures of life can get in the way, leaving the first steps of setting weight loss goals and planning on the backburner. As Wendy would discover, it can take a single health scare to act as the catalyst to start taking weight loss seriously.
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How to Find the Best Activity for Your Kid

Many kids are spending more time looking at screens than ever before. This also means kids are engaged in less physical activity and fewer social activities. Many parents are juggling work and distance learning, leaving little time to consider extracurricular activities.
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