Our Y is Investing in Bremerton with Facility Upgrades and a New Express Gym
In partnership with both the Kitsap Family YMCA Foundation and Sound West Group, we're doubling down on our commitment to Kitsap County by making two significant investments in a thriving Bremerton and beyond.
We're bringing a better, stronger, and faster fitness experience to the Bremerton Family YMCA through member-driven gym enhancements designed to amplify your workout goals.
In addition, we want to be where you are, so we're opening the Marina Square Express YMCA in the heart of downtown Bremerton, an exciting and innovative way to serve our urban communities.

Gym Enhancements
Brand new gear including barbells, weights, and strength training equipment
High-tech flooring with sound-dampening features
Turf field space as well as sleds
More open space with improved flow
Less wait time for popular machines and equipment

Marina Square Express YMCA
Over 2,000 sq ft of gym space
Convenient downtown Bremerton location
Adult-only facility
Modern strength training and cardio equipment
Walkable to the ferry, naval shipyard, and Quincy Square