Striving To Achieve Future Goals
Pacific Region Conference is an annual conference described as life-changing by many past participants and advisors. It creates a community based on honesty, respect, responsibility, and trust. Teens are challenged to build self-esteem and celebrate their self-worth.
Who Can Join: Teens in grades 8-12
2024 Conference Dates
Fall 2024 Conference | Friday, November 29 to Monday, December 2, 2024
Interested in learning more about the Pacific Region Conference? Unleash your leadership potential today and sign our Interest Form to learn more!
Teen Programs for All
YMCA programs are open and available to everyone within our communities, and you do not need to be a Y member to participate in any of the Teen Leadership Development programs offered. No person shall be turned away due to the inability to pay.
Program Price: $325
Payments may be made on a monthly draft or paid in full upon registration.
Scholarships at the Y make our programs accessible to all, regardless of income. Apply online based on your household income and special circumstances. Everyone deserves the opportunity to benefit from our services. Apply for a scholarship today! Apply For A Scholarship.
See What Past Participants Have Had To Say About PRC

The best thing that happened to me at PRC was...
"I gained self-esteem, saw old friends, learning about myself and my cabin mates, learning what my gifts are."

At PRC I learned...
"That I have the potential to love, respect and appreciate every single person I meet. That everyone has something to share and that everything and everyone is worth CELEBRATING!"

If I were describing PRC to someone who had never been before, I would tell them…
"It’s a place where you can do anything, figure out who you are, be yourself, and get to know other people who are from other places super well. You will laugh, you will cry, you will dance, you will learn and you will never, ever forget it."